Alan Ackroyd Photography

Alan Ackroyd Photography

Land Sea Sky

Galleries of my recent work:

The Natural World
Sunrises & Sunsets
Ships & Aircraft
Quotation Designs

All images on this site are © Alan Ackroyd 2022, all rights reserved.

“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.” ― Marc Riboud
Welcome to my photographic world; I hope you enjoy my images!
Art has been my career. It all started at the age of 10, when I won a painting competition hosted by the stationery chain, W.H.Smiths. Subsequently, I won various other painting competitions. After leaving school, I studied for three years at Bournemouth & Poole College of Art and Design in the UK.
On leaving, I commenced a long career in art and design, including graphic design, fine art, sculpture and photography. I worked in the print industry, sign industry and leisure industries, producing graphic designs, murals, sets, props and interior design for art galleries, museums, exhibitions and theme parks. My work has appeared in magazines, newspapers, books and on television.
Since retiring from full-time work, I have taken up photography again, a field in which I have some advantage, due to my art experience. No longer under pressure to make a living from my work, I now approach it purely from a standpoint of love and inspiration. I hope it inspires you too.
Thank you for your interest!

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